NuGet is missing Csla.Workflow.dll

NuGet is missing Csla.Workflow.dll

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tiago posted on Sunday, September 23, 2012

I tryed all NuGet distributions packages and couldn't find Csla.Workflow.dll

Am I missing something?

RockfordLhotka replied on Sunday, September 23, 2012

Due to lack of interest in WF in general, and the fact that there was little valuable functionality in Csla.Workflow, I've basically dropped that assembly.

This was a choice I made last year sometime, because it would have required work to get it functional for WF 4 and I thought I'd see if anyone noticed it wasn't updated.

Here we are, and you are the first to notice :)

RockfordLhotka replied on Sunday, September 23, 2012

I should make it clear though, that CSLA 4 works just fine with WF 4. If you want to use CSLA business objects from workflow activities/tasks, that is no problem and works great.

So the only thing you don't get from Csla.Workflow were a couple half-baked wrappers that make it slightly easier to launch a workflow. Really not the kind of thing that belongs in CSLA in the first place, but something I put in back in the 3.0 and 3.5 days because I found them useful for demos.

tiago replied on Monday, September 24, 2012


Due to lack of interest in WF in general, and the fact that there was little valuable functionality in Csla.Workflow, I've basically dropped that assembly.

This was a choice I made last year sometime, because it would have required work to get it functional for WF 4 and I thought I'd see if anyone noticed it wasn't updated.

Here we are, and you are the first to notice :)

I noticed it not because I need it or use it . I was updating the dependencies directory of CslaContrib samples from 4.3.12 to 4.3.13. As I couldn't find it on NuGet, I was forced to use the installer MSI. It is indeed on the installer MSI.

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